Toxins are attacking you

SIBO Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth

Why You Should Be w/ Leaky Gut

Your body is under attack and you don’t even know it. Many symptoms can be happening and yet you have no idea where or why. So you take an Advil or Aleve and don’t pay much attention to the symptoms. Then you learn to live with the symptoms because they are minor and nothing to worry about. So you think.

Immunity inside your intestines

Were you aware that your immune system is mainly in the intestines? It is estimated that 80% of your immunity resides in the gut. The body was designed to protect you from harm’s way. The immune system tries to keep law and order inside our bodies by keeping bad things like bugs and viruses in check. We rely on good bacteria to keep the bad bacteria from taking over. When a bug or virus escapes the good bacterial environment in your intestine they create problems with inflammation.


There are certain endotoxins that are created when the bugs break loose. The big-name for these endotoxins are cytokines which produce what is called a cytokine storm. This is where the body attacks the endotoxins and produces macrophages that create inflammation. In the short term, this is not a bad thing because the macrophages are doing their job. When there is prolonged exposure to these endotoxins the body is constantly inflamed.


Inflammation is a problem for your brain. An inflamed brain is not healthy for you in the long run. So let’s try and dumb this down to layman’s terms. The wall around your intestine cannot keep the bugs from leaking out. The bugs can sneak past the blood-brain barrier thus causing the cytokine storm. The constant presence of these macrophages can lead to a host of autoimmune symptoms that can take years to manifest with clinical symptoms. Then the problem tends to be addressed with medications to deal with symptoms but not fix the walls of the intestines meant to protect you.

Dr.Mc Kay

Everyone by now has heard about the benefits of probiotics. These help seed your intestines with nutrients to keep the good bacteria strong. The good bacteria will keep the bad bacteria in check. I personally recommend a good probiotic with a good prebiotic to give your immune system a fighting chance to keep inflammation in check,

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